Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Metropolitan in Indonesia: Trends and Challenges in Spatial Planning

Original title: Metropolitan di Indonesia: Kenyataan dan Tantangan dalam Penataan Ruang
Edited by: H. Winarso & D. Hudalah
2006. Jakarta: Ditjen Penataan Ruang Dep. PU

This is probably the first comprehensive book on metropolitan development and planning in Indonesia. Inviting many well known authors, it discusses trends and challenges for planning and managing of metropolitan regions in Indonesia. It covers wide range of issues included population, economy, socio-cultural aspects, rural-urban linkage, infrastructure, environmental aspects, planning law and institutions and, off course, spatial planning.

Links: You could download the electronic version for free. The printed version is also available.


risfadona said...

Delik, terima kasih banyak ya atas akses ke buku ini.. it helps me much.

Ditunggu posting2 lainnya, Super!!!

Elivas S (ivas_id@yahoo.co.uk) said...

Hi Mas Delik,

I came across your blog when I was trying to find a book titled "Metropolitan di Indonesia: Kenyataan dan Tantangan dalam Penataan Ruang". I am working on my thesis now for my study the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) - the UK. I was wondering, is it possible for me to get this e-book from you. I have tried to download it from your page but the link is always broken. It is difficult for me to get this book in paper based because I am still in London now. Please if it is o.k. could you share the book with me... I can be reached at ivas_id@yahoo.co.uk I look forward to hearing more news from you.. thank you. Regards

Elivas S (ivas_id@yahoo.co.uk) said...

Hi Mas Delik,

I came across your blog when I was trying to find a book titled "Metropolitan di Indonesia: Kenyataan dan Tantangan dalam Penataan Ruang". I am working on my thesis now for my study at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) - the UK. I was wondering, is it possible for me to get this e-book from you. I have tried to download it from your page but the link is always broken. It is difficult for me to get this book in paper based because I am still in London now. Please if it is o.k. could you share the book with me... I can be reached at ivas_id@yahoo.co.uk I look forward to hearing more news from you.. thank you. Regards

Elivas S (ivas_id@yahoo.co.uk) said...

Hi Mas Delik,

I came across your blog when I was trying to find a book titled "Metropolitan di Indonesia: Kenyataan dan Tantangan dalam Penataan Ruang". I am working on my thesis now for my study at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) - the UK. I was wondering, is it possible for me to get this e-book from you. I have tried to download it from your page but the link is always broken. It is difficult for me to get this book in paper based because I am still in London now. Please if it is o.k. could you share the book with me... I can be reached at ivas_id@yahoo.co.uk I look forward to hearing more news from you.. thank you. Regards