Monday, June 12, 2006

Empowerment Approaches in Squatters Management: The Case of West Java, Indonesia

Empowerment Approaches to urban poverty alleviation and sustainable development promotion are not new and still need further studies in levels of concept, planning, and implementation. Involving the World Bank and other non-government institutions, the Government of Indonesia recently develop an integrated and participative approach through Squatter Settlements Pilot Assistance Project (PPM-Squatter). This article aims to critique the involvement of the non-government institutions in financing and assisting the project. Besides, this paper also shows that: (1) interpretation of concept of the project and typology of squatter, (2) political absorption by government in all level, and (3) facilitation, monitoting, and evaluation are factors determining the performance of empowerment approaches in squatter settlements management.
Keywords: empowerment approaches, squatter, participation, non-government organization.

- This has been modified from the original abstract
- Full version of the article is published in Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota (Journal of regional and city planning) ITB, 2005